* Example
1 bar = 1000 mbar
0,015 bar are equal to 0,015 x 1000 = 15 mbar

kp/cm^2 = kilo weight on squared centimetre of surface
kgf/cm^2 = kilo force on squared centimetre of surface
kp/m^2 = kilo weight on squared metre of surface
p/cm^2 = gramme weight on squared centimetre of surface
Torr = Torr
mmHg = millimetres of mercury shaft
Pa = Pascal (Newton on squared metre of surface)
MN/ m^2 = MegaNewton on squared metre of surface
bar = bar
mbar = millibar
mmWS = millimetres of water shaft
mmH2O = millimetres of water shaft
mWS = metres of water shaft
mH2O = metres of water shaft
atm = physics atmosphere
lb/in^2 = libra on squared inch
psi = pound on squared inch
psig = pound on squared inch